16 September 2013

finally America

Long time no see! So see here, we got some photos for you, finally.

very excited, waiting in Mumbai Airport to fly to America

quick hello in New York City

Bhava's house: new home in Burlington, Vermont

Bhava in the cafe she bakes at

college kid at the Fri party at Wildwood (ultimate frisbee tournament in New Jersey)

pretty frisbee beach venue

Bhava and Lia enjoying beach frisbee, American style

Team Space Dragons pillaging Wildwood

American Standards

Philadelphia 1

Philadelphia 2

Pennsylvania wildlife 1: hummingbird

Pennsylvania wildlife 2: deer

Pennsylvania not-so-wildlife: alpaca

Michael knows: they spit

visiting the oldest brewery in America (founded by a German), with Michael and family

beautiful Boston

still ok-looking Boston

old friends Rob and Nina try to move forward in Boston


Bhava and her brother Vraja in the kitchen...

...while Lia is eating Cronuts (American Croissant)

Vermont loves farmer's markets

and we love America!

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